
Certification NO: IQ-QC1571-22

Company Name: Al-Ghad League for Woman and Child Care

Location:  Kirkuk, Iraq

Standard: ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System

Scope: Rehabilitation of Water treatment Plant Conducting Solid Waste Management Distribution Grants for vulnerable families Conducting Vocational Training Rehabilitation of Schools

Mine Action Clearance Conduct workshops and trainings Delivering Awareness raising campaigns Providing Water trucking Distribution Hygiene Kits Distributing Non-Food Item

Distributing Garbage bins Proving the people with assets

Issue Date: 13 Sept 2022

Expiry Date: 9 Sept 2025

Surveillance Audit 1: 13 Sept 2023

Surveillance Audit 2: 13 Sept 2024

Al-Ghad League for Woman and Child Care   IQ-QC1571-22